DMT Beauty Transformation: 7 Grooming Hacks That Are COMPLETE Lies
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7 Grooming Hacks That Are COMPLETE Lies

September 21, 2019DMT.NEWS

#DMTBeautySpot #beauty

There is no shortage of myths out there about grooming habits. Some are recent, but we've been brought up with others – like the miracle work of toothpaste – for years.

Is there any truth to these, though? That's what we'll be talking about.

7 Grooming Hacks That Are COMPLETE Lies

Today, we're talking 7 false grooming hacks for men.


This article is brought to you by Tiege Hanley. My great friend Aaron Marino founded Tiege as a way to simplify skincare for men. Tiege delivers all the products you need to your doorstep each month – or on your own custom schedule – with clear instructions on exactly how much of what to use when.

Tiege's high-quality men's skincare products include a complete anti-aging system and their new acne system. Each comes in different levels depending on how much you want to invest in your skin. Click here to enhance your handsome with Tiege!


Click Here To Watch The Video – 7 Grooming Hacks That Are a Complete Lie

  1. Toothpaste.
  2. Lots Of Shaving Cream.
  3. Expensive Skincare Products Are A Sham.
  4. Dry Shampoo.
  5. Natural Ingredients To Whiten Teeth.
  6. Over-Scrubbing Your Face.
  7. Sticking To Women's Products.


1. The Healing Powers Of Toothpaste

I wanted to address this first and foremost because it's incredibly pervasive. We've been told that toothpaste is the solution to all our problems – from cleaning the headlights on our cars to cleaning our faces.

Since we're a style site, we're gonna focus on the skincare aspect of this. Plainly put; applying toothpaste to the skin won't work.

toothpaste on toothbrush

We've been led to believe toothpaste will save everything – our cars, our faces, our marriages…

Toothpaste does possess a few ingredients which – in theory – should dissolve oils. These include baking soda, alcohol, and hydrogen peroxide. However, it takes it to an undesirable extreme.

Several dermatologists noted that it causes redness, irritation, and peeling. Do you really want that?

Stick to products designed to clean your face.


2. The More Shaving Cream, The Better

Shaving cream is pretty useful. It softens facial hair in preparation for the act, and it aids the blade in gliding smoothly over the skin.

Some guys believe that, as a result, adding more can only be better.

This is false. While there are no adverse effects to applying more shaving cream, once you slather it on for a minute or two, it's already accomplished its mission.

Adding a ton of shaving cream won't hurt you, but it's simply a waste of time.


3. Expensive Skincare Products Are A Sham

When it comes to false grooming hacks for men, this simply isn't true – there's a reason that they cost as much as they do.

Essentially, more expensive products will tend to contain more active ingredients.

Cheaper alternatives, on the other hand, don't sport high-quality ingredients. What's more interesting, however, is that they dilute those already-crappy ingredients with water to fill the “empty space.”

Don't be fooled, you get what you pay for.


4. Using Too Much Dry Shampoo

Gentlemen, this is NASTY. Dry shampoo isn't designed to replace your regular product. In fact, it's not geared for men at all.

Dry shampoo is mainly targetted at women. Why? Because women wash their hair less frequently than we do. It's a long, tedious process since they tend to have a lot of hair. Dry shampoo is meant to help them get through one more day in a pinch.

Man applying hair mousse

Stick to your regular shampoo. It does the job right.

There's no excuse for us. If you have really long hair, I can excuse one use every once in a while, but otherwise, stick to wet shampoo.

The dry stuff doesn't actually clean. Yes, it absorbs oils, but it just conceals the dirt and grime on your scalp. It doesn't clean much at all.

Don't be nasty!


5. Using “Natural” Ingredients To Whiten Teeth

One false grooming hacks for men I've heard is that guys jerry-rig a mouthguard with some weird stuff – specifically 2 parts baking soda and 1 part hydrogen peroxide. They'll then proceed to wear the thing every day.

This is a bad idea – I'll explain why.

dentist office

Messing with hydrogen peroxide could put you on an emergency trip to the dentist.

If the mouthguard isn't fitted to your mouth properly, the peroxide could seriously irritate your gums. If your gums happen to be recessed, and the peroxide touches an exposed root, then that would pose a health risk.

It's especially risky when you consider that the FDA's maximum safe peroxide use is 3.6%. Since you can't get such precise measurements at home, it's really just an unnecessary risk.


6. Over-Scrubbing To Prevent Acne

You can never clean TOO much, right? It's an easy assumption to make.


If you wash your face more than twice a day (barring any strenuous activity that warrants more cleaning) and exfoliate more than twice a week, you risk serious harm to the skin.

Over-scrubbing can lead to skin irritation. It's like rubbing your face constantly with a bristle brush. Yes, you'll definitely get all the gunk out, but at the risk of damaging the goods.

It's just overkill.


7. You Have To Stick With Skincare Marketed To Men

At the end of the day, the skin is skin. While it's true that men's skin tends to be a little rougher than women's, whether the packaging is pink or blue doesn't have a real impact.

Your wife's products can be useful in a pinch… just don't tell her.

In most cases, the only difference is in the fragrance of the product.

The moral of the story? If you like what your wife uses, you can steal it.


Summary – False Grooming Hacks For Men

  1. Toothpaste.
  2. Lots Of Shaving Cream.
  3. Expensive Skincare Products Are A Sham.
  4. Dry Shampoo.
  5. Natural Ingredients To Whiten Teeth.
  6. Over-Scrubbing Your Face.
  7. Sticking To Women's Products.

Don't be fooled by these myths. There are legitimate and measured ways to care for yourself, but these are “tips” you definitely want to avoid.


This article is brought to you by Tiege Hanley. My great friend Aaron Marino founded Tiege as a way to simplify skincare for men. Tiege delivers all the products you need to your doorstep each month – or on your own custom schedule – with clear instructions on exactly how much of what to use when.

Tiege's high-quality men's skincare products include a complete anti-aging system and their new acne system. Each comes in different levels depending on how much you want to invest in your skin. Click here to enhance your handsome with Tiege!

The post 7 Grooming Hacks That Are COMPLETE Lies appeared first on Real Men Real Style.



Antonio, Khareem Sudlow

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