DMT Beauty Transformation: No, Jason Biggs’ Kids Don’t Know His ‘American Pie’ History … Yet
featured Khareem Sudlow

No, Jason Biggs’ Kids Don’t Know His ‘American Pie’ History … Yet

January 25, 2020DMT Beauty

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Jason Biggs Has Moved on to a Different Type of Pie for Super Bowl Sunday

21 years later, Jason Biggs still can’t get enough pie. Only this time, he’s shifted from the classic apple to … macaroni and cheese?

Gearing up for the Super Bowl Sunday, the actor figured in order to have the best seat in the house (he’s rooting for the Chiefs, by the way), he’d pair up with notable dip company Heluva Good! as it pushes out its new portable, compact seat for the big game. Biggs says the brand doesn’t “take itself too seriously,” making it an organic partnership as it incorporates some of the “American Pie” star’s sense of humor into the campaign.

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To learn a little more about what goes into a Super Bowl soiree at the Biggs residence, AskMen laughed through a phone call with the actor about being a proper host, fatherhood in real life, his new show “Outmatched,” and explaining his raunchy, sex comedy legacy to his children.

AskMen: Whether it’s the Super Bowl or a different kind of occasion, what’s the key to being a proper host in your household?

Jason Biggs: Well, I think that for starters, you want to make sure that there is as much seating as possible. And if not, you better hope that they brought their Heluva Good! Best Seat in the House. You want to make sure that there's a nice variety of things to eat, to do. You probably have some vegetarians in the house. You make sure you have your vegetable crudité. You've got chips people, you've got some wing people. Bottom line, you start with the dip, and you work your way from there.

Heluva Good! DipHeluva Good!

Is there a Jason Biggs original that you always make sure is served when guests are over?

When I was a drinking man, I used to make a nice punch. Now I do it without the alcohol, but yeah, I do like a good fruit punch. Because I feel like, look, you've got the snacks, you've got the food but you also need the drink. You want to make sure there's something fun more than just the standards. So yeah, I like to do a punch.

Super Bowl gatherings are notorious for getting a little rowdy. As a father, how do you make sure the adults are having a good time while still catering to the kids that are there?

I think part of it is having separate spaces. You make sure that the kids have a room with the right toys, the right video games or the right thing playing on the TV. Look, at the end of the day, they're going to be running around everywhere. If you know that they have a space they can go to, and a space for the parents to hang, then that's sort of the ideal.

Jason Biggs Heluva Good!Heluva Good!

With playing a dad on “Outmatched,” are there any situations on the show that you've filmed so far that have mirrored your experiences in real life?

On the show, I've got kids that are in high school. I don't know that there has been anything that’s mirrored real life, so much as, I think, prepared me for real life. We just did an episode where we talked to our kids about sex. And I'm not there, my kids are only six and two years old, but it was interesting doing these scenes with these teenage actors and thinking, "Oh my gosh, this will be me soon." A lot of that is happening. Like, "Oh, is this what it’s going to be like? OK. Got it."

What has being a father allowed you to tap into when it comes to the acting side of things?

I'll say for me, the biggest thing is access to vulnerability. As soon as I became a dad, it rips open a part of you that you just didn't even realize you had. You have feelings, and you're able to love and feel on a level that you were never able to before. And so, that translates to my acting.

I feel like for so long, too, that's why I've done so much comedy. It's a mask. I get to hide behind it, to not have to really feel anything. I feel like as I've gotten older, and as I've done more dramatic parts, I'm able to act access stuff now because I'm a parent, that I wasn't able to in the past. And then, of course, even for “Outmatched,” just this way you communicate with your kids, and you're constantly feeling like you're outnumbered by them. That, to me, all rings totally true.

You mentioned talking to your kids on “Outmatched” about sex. In terms of the infamy that surrounds the “American Pie” movies, have you already thought about what they're going to say when your two children inevitably discover them?

That's a great question. Not what I was going to say specifically. Yeah, it's actually starting to happen, my older son, I think one or two kids [in his grade] have already come up to him and said, "My dad knows your dad from TV," or something to that effect. My son knows what I do, he knows that it's my job. For him, it's just very normal. He doesn't care. He doesn't really care.

In terms of the subject matter of the movies, having to deal with that, my hope is that it doesn't happen for a really long time. But if I'm going to have to explain those movies, I'm glad that I'm doing it to two boys and not to a girl. That’s the only silver lining, that I don't have to explain some of the things that I did to my daughter.

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