DMT Beauty Transformation: America: “We’re Dying.” Melania Trump: “Time For A Rose Garden Makeover!”
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America: “We’re Dying.” Melania Trump: “Time For A Rose Garden Makeover!”

July 27, 2020DMT Beauty

#DMTBeautySpot #beauty

As a deadly pandemic continues to ravage the U.S. and civil unrest grows every day, First Lady Melania Trump is making it her priority to…make over the White House Rose Garden! No wonder she is the butt of many a Marie Antoinette joke on Twitter on this Monday amid the Summer of the Pandemic in the year of our Lord 2020.

Because if there’s anything that needs to Be its absolute Best right now, it’s the hundreds of roses dotting the White House lawn.

France’s one and only headless queen — who also loved flowers and frivolity — began trending on Twitter after the FLOTUS released a statement saying that she intends to “restore and enhance” the famous White House garden to how it originally looked during President John F. Kennedy’s administration. Horticulturist Rachel Lambert “Bunny” Mellon redesigned the Rose Garden in 1962, creating more open space for public ceremonies and introducing American species of plants.

“Preserving the history and beauty of the White House and its grounds is a testament to our nation’s commitment to the care of this landscape and our dedication to American ideals, safeguarding them for our children and their children for generations to come,” the First Lady said in a statement.

The revamped Rose Garden, according to the First Lady’s press release, will include improved accessibility according to the guidelines set by the Americans with Disabilities Act, and “support for audiovisual and broadcasting needs that will allow for the continued enjoyment of the garden’s natural beauty and storied history.”

Twitter came straight for Melania’s head after news of the Rose Garden renovations broke, declaring that Marie Antoinette would totally agree that now is the absolute best time to begin this massive renovation project reportedly funded by private donations. Sure, the coronavirus may be spreading at rapid speed through hotspot states and federal agents may be violently confronting anti-police violence protesters in the streets, but won’t somebody please think of the roses?

In Melania’s defense, a source told CNN that the Rose Garden makeover was planned well before the pandemic began. Still, particularly when this is the first we’ve heard from the mysterious First Lady in a while — her last big news was that she was seen wearing a mask — the timing seems off. This also isn’t the first time she’s undertaken a renovation project during the pandemic: Back in March, as coronavirus was beginning to spread across the U.S., Melania was hard at work spearheading the makeover of the White House Tennis Pavilion.

To the haters who questioned why she would spend her time on a tennis pavilion amid rising death rates, she tweeted, “I encourage everyone who chooses to be negative & question my work at the @WhiteHouse to take time and contribute something good & productive in their own communities,” adding her favorite hashtag #BeBest.

She might as well have said, “Let them eat cake.”  

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Asia Ewart, Khareem Sudlow

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