DMT Beauty Transformation: 49 Best Random Things To Talk About – Spark interesting conversations.
featured Jasper

49 Best Random Things To Talk About – Spark interesting conversations.

November 16, 2020BruceDayne

#DMTBeautySpot #beauty

random things to talk about.jpg

via: Unsplash / Austin Distel

Making conversation can sometimes be a challenge, but when you have some awesome ideas for random things to talk about, it becomes much easier. You can talk about random things with a stranger or someone that you’ve known for years. These questions help you find out more about the person so that you can get to know them better.

If you’re looking for fun and engaging things to talk about, look no further than this great list of questions. Use these questions whenever you want to show that you’re really interested in what the person you’re speaking to has to say.


7 Best random things to talk about

Best random things to talk about

via: Unsplash / Mike Lloyd

If you’re not sure what to say to someone, these random things to talk about are just what you need. These are the top questions to ask to start a conversation with someone, no matter who they are. Choose your favorites from this list of questions and you’ll never have trouble thinking of something to say.

Here are the 7 best random things to talk about:

1. What’s The Strangest Thing In Your Refrigerator?

This is a question that most people probably haven’t been asked before.

2. What Would You Do With 10 Million Dollars?

We have all dreamed about winning the lottery so a lot of people will be able to answer this instantly.

3. Do You Care About Reviews?

It can be interesting to see whether someone reads reviews before buying something.

4. What do you wish your phone could do?

Have you ever thought that phones could have a cool new feature?

5. What’s your favorite number? Why?

Although they might not be able to say why, a lot of people have a favorite number.

6. Which is more important, having a great car or a great house? Why?

Some people value the place that they live while others are more concerned about their transport options.

7. If you opened a business, what kind of business would it be?

The dream of starting a new business is common so this should be quite an easy question to answer.

8 Random things to talk about with your girlfriend

Random things to talk about - Random things to talk about with your girlfriend.jpg

via: Pexels / cottonbro

Have you ever had trouble thinking of things to talk about with your girlfriend? Getting to know the special girl in your life takes time but these questions help to start conversations and allow you to learn more about her.

Here are 8 random things to talk about with your girlfriend:

8. What Would Be The Perfect Crime?

If your girlfriend loves to watch crime documentaries, she probably won’t have to think for very long before answering this.

9. Do you have any fun family traditions?

It’s common to have traditions during the holidays but some families have rituals for other times of the year.

10. What is your favorite thing to eat or drink in winter?

You’ll find out more about her while also getting some tips for winter snacks.

11. What weird or useless talent do you have?

Although a lot of us don’t have a hidden talent, many people do.

12. What is your favorite movie soundtrack?

She might have to think for a minute before answering this, especially if she doesn’t like musicals.

Random things to talk about with your girlfriend - What is your favorite movie soundtrack?

via: Pexels / Dziubi Steenbergen

13. What smell brings back great memories?

This is a really lovely question to ask your girlfriend because it will make her think of happy times.

14. What’s the most useful thing you own?

Learning what she finds useful will help you get to know her better.

15. What is something you are obsessed with?

We all have little obsessions with things, such as a TV show, singer or hobby.

10 Random things to talk about on a first date

Random things to talk about - Random things to talk about on a first date

via: Pexels / Jep Gambardella

First dates can be both exciting and nerve-wracking, but they’re made a bit easier if you know that you have some great questions to ask. These things to talk about on a first date help to break the ice and make it a bit easier for the two of you to get to know each other.

Here are 10 random things to talk about on a first date:

16. When Do You Feel The Most In Control?

This is an unusual question to ask on a first date but one which will definitely provide you with an interesting response.

17. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?

You’re likely to hear some funny stories when you ask this on a date.

18. Have you ever gone on an online date?

Online dates are becoming more common so someone who has been single for a while is likely to have experienced one.

19. What is your guilty pleasure?

Each of us has a guilty pleasure that they don’t tell anyone else about. You should be prepared to tell your date about yours too.

20. How often do you stay up past 3 a.m.?

People are either night owls or early birds and it’s interesting to find out what kind of body clock your date has.

Random things to talk about on a first date - How often do you stay up past 3 a.m.?

via: Pexels / Andie Venzl

21. What food do you crave more than any other?

Some people love salty foods, other people love sweet foods and some crave very odd foods.

22. Who is your oldest friend? Where did you meet them?

It’s common to have friends from early on in school but it’s also common to meet people randomly who then become close and trusted pals.

23. Where and when was the most amazing sunset you have ever seen?

Sunsets can be really beautiful in some parts of the world so your date might have been on holiday when they saw an awesome sunset.

24. Who had the biggest impact on the person you have become?

This is a deep question which will allow you to find out more about your date’s life and experiences.

25. What would be your perfect weekend?

By asking this question, you can ascertain whether you like to spend your free time in the same way.

9 Random interesting things to talk about

Random things to talk about - Random interesting things to talk about

via: Unsplash / Fábio Alves

Interesting things to talk about are always helpful because you can start honest and genuine conversations. Using these questions makes the other person think hard about their answers and allows you to really find out more about their life.

Here are 9 random interesting things to talk about:

26. What place would you first travel to if you could teleport?

Teleporting would allow you to visit places that can’t be reached easily by normal transport.

27. Time freezes for everyone but you for one day. What do you do?

Many of us have considered what we would do if that happened.

28. What do you think about self-driving cars?

There are some very divided opinions on whether we should embrace self-driving cars or not.

29. What do you think the most believable conspiracy is?

You might start an interesting discussion when you ask this question.

30. Does fashion help society in any way?

This is a very random question but one which you can use to start an engaging conversation.

Random interesting things to talk about - Does fashion help society in any way?

via: Pexels / Anastasia Shuraeva

31. What piece of technology is really frustrating to use?

It’s always interesting to find out what someone gets annoyed or frustrated with, especially because technology is designed to help us.

32. What kind of interior do you like a restaurant to have?

Although this is something that the person you’re talking to might not have thought about, it won’t take long for them to come up with an answer.

33. What are the three best apps on your phone?

You’ll get some great app recommendations and find out what that person finds useful.

34. If you could have any animal as a pet, what animal would you choose?

While most pet owners choose cats, dogs or fish, this question allows both of you to use your imagination a bit more.

6 Random things to talk about with your crush

Random things to talk about - Random things to talk about with your crush

via: Pexels / Viktoria Slowikowska

We all tend to feel a little shy when talking to our crush, but some fantastic questions can help you to feel more at ease. If you know you have some awesome things to ask, you won’t need to feel worried about starting a conversation or keeping it going. Make a note of the best things to talk about with your crush from the list below and use them whenever you’re talking to the person you like.

Here are 6 random things to talk about with your crush:

35. What’s your go-to comfort food?

This is a really nice question because it will help your crush remember times when they have felt comforted and content.

36. Where is the worst place you have been stuck for a long time?

Perhaps your crush will have been stuck in a lift, in the middle of nowhere or even locked inside a room.

37. Which is your favorite fragrance?

You could ask about a favorite perfume or a general smell.

38. What restaurant do you eat at most?

You’ll find out whether you have a similar taste in food.

39. Do you prefer to watch movies in the theater or in the comfort of your own home?

This is a great question to ask because it’s becoming less common to go out to movie theaters but some people still like the experience.

40. What do you do to get rid of stress?

Not only can this help you get to know your crush better, but you can get some tips for the next time you’re feeling stressed.

9 Random things to talk about with a girl

Random things to talk about - Random things to talk about with a girl

via: Pexels / Ba Tik

Talking to girls can be difficult but you needn’t worry if you know what you’re going to say. Thinking of things to talk about with a girl isn’t something you have to do in the moment. Instead, you can consider the fantastic questions below and memorize some of them to ask the girl at a later date.

Here are 9 random things to talk about with a girl:

41. Have any film versions of a book ruined the book for you?

So many books have been turned into series and movies so this is a thoughtful question to ask.

42. What’s the most unbelievable thing that’s ever happened to you?

Everyone has a funny, exciting or weird story to tell about their life.

43. When was the last time you had a food fight?

If she has never had a food fight you could try to plan one with her.

44. Do you have anybody eccentric in your family?

Hearing stories about an eccentric relative is a great way to pass the time.

45. If you could meet anybody from the past who would it be?

If you know what historical figure you’d like to meet then this is a fun question to ask.

Random things to talk about with a girl - If you could meet anybody from the past who would it be?

via: Unsplash / Joshua Rodriguez

46. Do you prefer summer or winter activities?

Lots of people really enjoy going out in the fall or winter when the weather is chilly.

47. What flavor of ice cream do you wish existed?

This thoughtful question will make her consider all the options.

48. What were you really into when you were a kid?

We all had our obsessions when we were young.

49. What do you do when you hang out with your friends?

You can help her remember fun times with friends when you ask this question.

How to Pick the best random things to talk about

random things to talk about - How to Pick the best random things to talk about

via: Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio

Choosing the best things to talk about is easy once you have taken the recommendations of the tips below. Follow these steps to choose the most relevant random questions:

1. Think about the person’s personality

How to Pick the best random things to talk about - Think about the person's personality

via: Pexels / Myicahel Tamburini

The personality of the person you’re speaking to will help to determine what type of questions you should ask them. For example, if they like to talk about their experiences and feelings then you could choose deep questions which ask them about their life or experiences. Whereas if the person likes to keep conversations lighthearted, you could ask them more amusing questions.

2. Consider how well you know the person

How to Pick the best random things to talk about - Consider how well you know the person

via: Unsplash / Tyler Nix

The next thing to consider is how well you know the person that you’re speaking to. Very few of us enjoy receiving very personal questions from someone that we have only met a few times or aren’t very familiar with. Therefore, if you aren’t close to the person, it is better to choose fun and lighthearted questions which aren’t connected to deep emotions or thoughts.

3. Narrow your questions down

How to Pick the best random things to talk about - Narrow your questions down

via: Unsplash / Brad Neathery

If you have used the above steps to pick some awesome random things to talk about, you’ll need to narrow those things down. Instead of asking someone a list of questions, you should pick the most relevant and interesting questions so that you can create a conversation which flows and makes sense. You don’t want the other person to feel like you are just reeling off a list or interrogating them.

Downloadable and Printable List of Random Things To Talk About

Here is a downloadable and printable jpg/pdf list of random things to talk about (right click the image and select Save Image As…):

Downloadable and printable list of random things to talk about as jpg or pdf

via: Mantelligence

More great things to start a conversation with

If you have trouble starting a conversation then you should know that you’re not alone. Even the most outgoing or confident people sometimes have difficulty starting conversations, but it’s something that gets easier with practice. Use the helpful tips below to encourage you to speak to new people and ask thoughtful questions to get conversations going.

  1. Thinking of awesome things to say on a first date doesn’t need to be hard. Simply use these first date conversation starters to enable you to start chatting. The interesting conversation starters are just what you need if you want to find out more about your date.
  2. Meeting a new group of people for the first time can see seem strange if no one knows each other. To help everyone to relax and make friends, you can try out these fantastic ice breaker games which allow everyone to chat and have fun.
  3. If you feel like you’re no good at flirting and don’t know how to chat to someone you like, these will help. They’ll allow you to start a conversation and maybe make the person that you like laugh, which is always a good way to begin chatting.

In Conclusion

Using these random things to talk about can help you to speak to almost anyone. You’ll certainly know much more about their thoughts and their life when you ask these fun, interesting, and thoughtful questions.

The post 49 Best Random Things To Talk About – Spark interesting conversations. appeared first on Mantelligence.



Jasper, Khareem Sudlow

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