DMT Beauty Transformation: Top 10 Summer Style Hacks EVERY Man Must Know! (Stay Cool, Feel Comfortable, & Look GREAT!)
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Top 10 Summer Style Hacks EVERY Man Must Know! (Stay Cool, Feel Comfortable, & Look GREAT!)

May 16, 2019DMT.NEWS


Summer is finally here.

Beach parties…barbecues…feeling like you're gonna die of heat exhaustion…

summer style hacks

Let's face it, the season has its ups and downs.

These 10 summer clothing hacks can help you ride the waves.

This article is brought to you by Mizzen+Main. Their performance dress shirts are made from four-way stretch fabric that breathes and wicks away moisture – I'll be living in mine this summer.

Mizzen+Main shirts are wrinkle-resistant, stay tucked, and you'll never have to iron or dry-clean them. Click here to check out Mizzen+Main. Enter promo code MAINMAN3 at checkout to receive $50 off an order of 3 dress shirts!


Click Here To Watch The Video – Top 10 Summer Style Hacks EVERY Man Must Know! (Stay Cool, Feel Comfortable, & Look GREAT!)


Summer Clothing Hack 1. Wear White (But Why?)

You may know that lighter colors keep you cooler during the summer – but do you know why?

Whenever white light hits an object, the color that we see is the color that is not absorbed. White light hits a red fabric, and red is reflected back to our eyes.

Light is energy, and the more energy something absorbs the hotter it's going to be.

A black shirt absorbs all light, making it the hottest thing you can wear. A white shirt reflects the most light, and keeps you cooler.


2. Use A Cooling Soap

To feel cooler in your clothes, start before you get dressed. Look for a soap bar that contains a cooling agent.

These will be ingredients like menthol, peppermint oil, spearmint, basil, or Frescolat. Frescolat is a menthyl lactate that's a natural alternative to menthol.

If you've got sensitive skin, you'll need to be careful starting out–just try it on a portion of your body.


‘It burns! Let me out!' Don't overdo the menthol soap.

But for most of us, these ingredients will feel like sweet relief, especially right after the gym.


3. Avoid Hot Spots With Looser Clothing

A lot of you guys like your really close fitted shirts and trousers or your skinny jeans.

This is not the best way to dress in hot weather. When you start to sweat, tight-fitting clothes can suddenly start to rub you raw.

This can get painful. It can turn into major irritation or a rash during the summer.

Don't be afraid to loosen up. Make sure you've got options that give your skin room to breathe.


4. Leverage The Power Of Performance Fabrics

If you go back and read older style advice, you may see advice along the lines of ‘stay away from synthetics – only go with natural materials.' That advice is a bit outdated now.

Synthetic materials, specifically performance materials, have come leaps and bounds just in the last decade.

Shop around for good-looking clothes in cooling or moisture-wicking fabrics.


5. Put Your Lotion In The Fridge

This one's really easy: take your favorite face or body lotion and put it in the refrigerator.

Some might find it a little too much of a shock, but if you can handle it, it can be incredibly refreshing.


6. Bring Back The Handkerchief

This has to be the easiest summer clothing hack. Just carry a basic white cloth handkerchief (or something fancier, if you like) in your back pocket.

Then when you're sweating, you don't have to just sit there and sweat – you can wipe it away.

Your grandfather knew the handkerchief hack – it's time you brought it back.

If that's not your cup of tea, carry around a simple deodorizing wipe.

If you're flying for a vacation this summer, these also work great as a carry-on substitute for deodorant.


7. Know The Summer Clothing Hacks For Your Feet

If you don't have them already, start using no-show socks.

They'll suck up that nasty hot-weather foot sweat and protect your shoes from damage.

Unlike normal socks – no-show socks won't look repugnant with shorts.

Next let's talk shoes. The leather penny loafer is a classic summer shoe, but even loafers can get miserably hot on a bright sunny day.

The solution? A perforated leather shoe. Especially paired with no-show socks, these let air circulate and keep your feet cool.


8. Avoid Regular And Heavyweight Jeans

Regular jeans are going to have a weight of about 12 to 15 ounces per square yard. Heavyweight jeans will be about 16 to 24 ounces.

You do not want to wear your favorite jeans in the summer.

Lightweight jeans – 8 to 10 ounces – are better, but they're still not very breathable.

So what's the best summer clothing hack for casual trousers? You've got options:

  • Tropical weight trousers – your dressiest possibility, relatively speaking, but usually even cooler than shorts.
  • Chinos – Think outside the business-casual khaki box here. For casual summer occasions chinos in blue or another fun color can work perfectly.
  • Linen trousers – look for a blend since linen can wrinkle easily. Make sure it's woven in a way that's going to be really breathable – you should feel the air flowing through.


9. Practice Your Headgear

A lot of modern guys aren't used to wearing hats in the summer, but they can actually be incredibly functional – and trust me, there will come a time when you want one.

A straw panama or trilby can be a stylish way to keep the sun out of your eyes and make a warm-weather look feel complete.

straw panama hat

The straw panama will make you look dapper.

I can't promise you'll feel comfortable with this type of hat immediately – but therein lies the hack.

Practice wearing it around the house – and you'll be able to pull it off with confidence when you really need to.


10. Dress In Hot Weather In LONG Sleeves

It may seem counter-intuitive, but long sleeves and pants in lightweight fabrics do more to protect you from the sunlight – and therefore the heat – than shorts and t-shirts do.

You're also going to look much more stylish.

Remember, if you get uncomfortable you can always roll your sleeves. Click to find out how to roll up sleeves on your dress or casual shirt.


Bonus Summer Clothing Hack: Wear Unlined Jackets

If you're the type who just has to wear a jacket even in hot weather, make sure it's an unlined jacket. Again, you want to be able to feel the air moving through it.

Many cheap suits and jackets will be fully lined with polyester, and that's what you want to avoid.

A polyester lining in the heat is going to be like a sweat box on you.

A quality unlined suit in a material like linen, on the other hand, will look great and keep you comfortable all day long.


Quick Summary For A Cool Summer

  1. Wear White
  2. Use A Cooling Soap
  3. Avoid Hot Spots With Looser Clothing
  4. Leverage The Power Of Performance Fabrics
  5. Put Your Lotion In The Fridge
  6. Bring Back The Handkerchief
  7. Know The Summer Clothing Hacks For Your Feet
  8. Avoid Regular And Heavyweight Jeans
  9. Practice Your Headgear
  10. Dress In Hot Weather In LONG Sleeves
  11. Wear Unlined Jackets


Don't forget to check out Mizzen+Main. Their performance dress shirts are made from four-way stretch fabric that breathes and wicks away moisture – I'll be living in mine this summer.

Mizzen+Main shirts are wrinkle-resistant, stay tucked, and you'll never have to iron or dry-clean them. Click here to check out Mizzen+Main. Enter promo code MAINMAN3 at checkout to receive $50 off an order of 3 dress shirts!

The post Top 10 Summer Style Hacks EVERY Man Must Know! (Stay Cool, Feel Comfortable, & Look GREAT!) appeared first on Real Men Real Style.



May 16, 2019 at 08:07AM Antonio, DMT.NEWS

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