DMT Beauty Transformation: Harnessing the Power of an 80/10/10 Diet and Juicing for Optimal Health and Longevity

Harnessing the Power of an 80/10/10 Diet and Juicing for Optimal Health and Longevity

May 25, 2023BruceDayne

80/10/10 Diet and Juicing curlynikki

I’m 10 days in now and have been doing a juice only fast for the last 3 days!

curlynikki juicing regimen

Harnessing the Power of an 80/10/10 Diet and Juicing for Optimal Health and Longevity

I’ve shared on my podcast that I’ve been trying to go vegan, particularly raw vegan, since 2005. My Spirit would say, ‘let’s go’, and then my body would try, bless its heart, but after a few days, it would feel weak, my blood pressure would go low, my heart rate would go high (especially when my period would start), and I’d be back to eating the foods I knew were keeping me sick. Fast forward to the top of this year. While on silent retreat, I felt the call again, again, again. This time tho, the right information found me (here, here, here, here, and here). Juicing found me. And my life hasn’t been the same since. Now I get the calories (I couldn’t possibly get from just eating raw fruits and veggies whole) I need, while healing my body slowly with the nutrients it was missing.  If you’re already thinking, ‘but Nikki, what about the fiber? Or what about diabetes? Or what about getting enough protein? Read this. And know that added sugars in processed juices spike blood sugar, natural sugars in real, fresh pressed juices do not. I’ve been testing my fasting blood sugar and my numbers an hour after consuming my juice and it’s extra normal! But I digress– I’m not just get the nutrients from 2 oranges (about what I could eat), I drink 8 oranges (about how many it takes to juice 18 ounces).  And I’m watching Nikki (our practice of witnessing) meditate longer, actually have the energy and desire to work-out (my mom’s knees have stopped hurting and she’s running again and working out with me!), and sleep more soundly (my dad who has chronic insomnia, actually sleeps when he’s drinking it!). I need less sleep. I need less food. All I need is Love! ❤️ Speaking of which, before we continue, and before you do a deep dive into the world of juices and raw veganry lol, know that you don’t need to buy any supplements, you don’t need to buy anything but fresh fruits and veggies and a juicer (and maybe one of those books)! I bought this cheap one from Best Buy on a humbug one night and after using it consistently for weeks (for celery juice), got this bad boy (Kuvings). HIGHLY recommend. I’ve also heard great things about this one (Nama), and we may get it, too! There’s no magic fruit or veggie, not even celery (which I drink most mornings), or wheatgrass juice (ugh, but yeah), that will ‘cure’ your situation. As Neem Karoli Baba says, ‘Love is the strongest medicine’. Whatever you’re doing, eating, juicing, do it with Love and It will Love you and nourish you back.  The more in alignment you find yourself, the more you’ll find yourself making healthier choices without thinking twice. You can’t force this stuff. You flow, and then you look up and you’re being what you always, already are.

 The 80/10/10 Diet for Raw Vegans

Among the various approaches, the 80/10/10 diet stood out to me. I started noticing that I felt worse after high fat meals, no matter if it was french fries and highly processed faux meats (cutting those out solved most of my problems lol), or avocados. Googling around led to some interesting takes. My favorite was that our diet should look like the makeup of our first meal– mother’s milk 80% carbs/sugar, 10% protein, 10% fat. Proponents of 80/10/10 diet believe that it mimics the natural diet of our primate ancestors and optimizes our body’s physiology. Raw fruits and vegetables are packed with essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. By consuming these plant-based foods in their raw and natural state, you can maximize the intake of vital nutrients while avoiding harmful effects associated with excessive fat.  Up until that info, I was dousing everything in extra virgin olive oil (it’s good fat, right?!), eating all the avocados (trying to maintain my weight by eating high caloric foods), and olives, and wondering why I was feeling so bad even though I was doing the right things! I’d like to add that switching to 80/10/10 diet, even while doing juice only fasts, I only lost a couple of pounds (they say you only lose the unhealthy weight and then you gain back the good weight haha), and I gained energy and lightness and clarity!

By primarily consuming raw fruits, vegetables, and some nuts and seeds (and cutting out free oils like EVOO), you may experience a range of health benefits–

  • Improved Digestion and Detoxification: The high fiber content of fruits and vegetables aids in promoting healthy digestion and regular bowel movements. Moreover, raw vegan diets are known for their detoxifying effects, as they support the body’s natural ability to eliminate toxins, resulting in increased energy levels and improved overall well-being.
  • Weight Management and Increased Energy: An 80/10/10 diet can be effective for weight management due to its low-fat and high-fiber nature. The abundance of fresh fruits provides a rich source of natural sugars and carbohydrates, supplying sustained energy throughout the day.
  • Enhanced Mental Clarity and Emotional Well-being: Many individuals following the 80/10/10 diet report improved mental clarity and enhanced emotional well-being. The high nutrient content, combined with the absence of processed and artificial foods, can contribute to a healthier brain function and stabilized mood.

If you’ve ever had heart palpitations after a heavy, fatty meal or just feel sluggish and always low energy, check out this book, or consume some of his content around the web. The 369 detox helped me jump start this present, successful raw vegan situation. While in Israel, I was vegetarian, but since then, I’m back and I’m now 10 days back into raw veganry (I made this word up in this article haha), and 3 days into juices only.  The fast started before I even knew it!

The Power of Juicing Grape Juice and Orange Juice

Juicing has gained popularity as a way to extract the powerful nutrients from fruits and vegetables in a concentrated form. Grape juice and orange juice, in particular, have been associated with numerous health benefits. I juice them separately– pure grape, or pure orange (sometimes, a bit of fresh ginger) and stick to one juice or the other on any given day. Dr. Morse (book linked above) tells tales of curing long-term, serious illnesses (like IBD, various types of cancers, etc) with 20-50 day long grape juice fasts. (be sure to buy organic grapes and when possible, seeded– that’s why I’m only doing OJ right now– can’t find organic grapes!)

Grape Juice for Cardiovascular Health: Grape juice, rich in antioxidants like resveratrol, can have a positive impact on heart health. Studies suggest that regular consumption of grape juice may help reduce blood pressure, improve blood flow, and lower the risk of heart disease.

Orange Juice for Immunity and Skin Health: Orange juice is renowned for its high vitamin C content, a powerful antioxidant that supports the immune system and promotes collagen production. Regular consumption of orange juice can boost immunity, aid in wound healing, and contribute to healthier, glowing skin.

Anti-aging Effects: Both grape juice and orange juice possess anti-aging properties due to their antioxidant content. Antioxidants help combat free radicals in the body, reducing oxidative stress and slowing down the aging process. The abundance of vitamins and minerals in these juices also supports healthy skin, hair, and nails.

Specific Health Issues: Juicing can be tailored to address specific health concerns. For example, grape juice is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties and may offer relief for joint pain and inflammation. Orange juice’s high vitamin C content can assist in reducing the severity and duration of cold symptoms.

It is important to note that while the 80/10/10 diet and a juicing routine can offer numerous benefits, individual results may vary. It is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian before making any significant dietary changes or embarking on a juicing regimen.

I’d like to add that I remember coming across Dr. Sebi’s allowed and restricted food list in 2005. I was inspired, but I was also like, ‘impossible!’ But here we are!

The power of an 80/10/10 raw vegan lifestyle with the incorporation of grape and orange juice through juicing cannot be underestimated. By embracing these practices, you may experience enhanced overall health, increased energy, mental clarity, emotional well-being, better skin, hair, sleep, and a higher quality of life. Have you tried it? Would you?!

Let me know if you want me to share more about what I eat! And please drop any amazing raw vegan recipes for me, below!!!



curlynikki, DMT.NEWS, DMT BeautySpot,

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